Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Organic foods; they do a body good

Making the choice to eat organic foods is something that we all can reap the benefits of. While they are more expensive, eating organic helps you to save in the long run by allowing you to live a life in peace and harmony with your body and mind; keeping those doctors visits to a minimum as you gracefully age with time.

Organic foods are foods that are grown in such a way that helps the food to retain their natural biochemical components. This ensures that those who eat these products are getting the maximum benefit from these foods. Because organic foods are strictly regulated by governing bodies, these food types are less likely to be treated with toxic chemicals or have chemical residues.

Studies show that chemical residues from inorganic farming build up in the body over time, creating an unhealthy environment that leads to what I call toxic shock. The chemicals accumulate in the body and these toxins are in the form of poisonous fertilizers, pesticides and weed killers to which all these form mild to severe toxicity and are life threatening; to all forms of life. Not to mention- GMO FREE!

Locally grown organic produce has more nutrients as it is harvested closer to its peak ripeness. The last stages of ripening enhance the flavor and taste which enhances the food's nutrient value. While many people will argue that buying organic is simply not affordable, the cost of a food item should not replace the quality it contains. Organic farmers do not receive governmental aid nor any sort of compensation from governmental programs. This forces the organic farmer to reap the cost of harvesting, packaging, shipping on his own and this is why you pay so much more for organic foods.

However, the cost of purchasing organic foods should not outweigh the health benefits of eating foods that are as close to God's creation as this modern day will allow. All it takes is a bit of budgeting and tweaking your family meal planning to help ensure that you too can enjoy the health benefits of organic foods because they truly do a body good.

When you eat organic foods, you are allowing your body to digest the best sources of vitamins and nutrients that your body needs. ( GMO product inhibits, and destroys the vital nutrients within the food on a macro level.) Using chemicals on foods may help the food product to grow more substantially however, that substantial growth is a hindrance as the chemicals interfere with the nutritional process and development of that particular food. 

All the nutrients that are found in our food are found in our soil and by purchasing organic foods, you are helping organic farming by supporting these farmers in their fight to help preserve soil and water quality while enhancing a healthy ecosystem for bees, butterflies and birds.

When you add up all the benefits of eating organic foods, you can see that eating organic just makes healthy sense. Organic foods are foods of the future; your future and your family's future. Begin making the transition today that your body can thank you for in the future by helping to keep you strong and disease free because that is what eating organic foods can and will do for you.