Wednesday, May 20, 2015

For ladies only

It is hard to accept our bodies as they are. It's even harder to accept that the way our bodies look now has not always been the way they looked and the more we look at ourselves the more we become defeated. Especially when it comes to the odd looking areas of lumps and bumps that shouldn't be there; most of us have these spots, you know the areas of accumulated cellulite.

Cellulite is the problematic looking areas of fat deposits on a woman's body. We have all given it a specific nick name; orange peel butt, cottage cheese thighs to name a few but the clinical names for cellulite are: adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrusus cutis, gynoid lipodystrophy. Yes let's just stick with cellulite shall we?

The proper definition of cellulite is; 'the herniation of subcutaneous fat within connective tissue.' Simply put it is just an accumulation of fat and the difference being that it is more of an accumulation than anywhere else on our bodies. This over accumulated amount of fat has accumulated to the point that the connective tissue cannot hold it back and keep it in place. Cellulite has to go somewhere and that somewhere is up and this causes the bulge in your connective tissue leaving a dimpled effect on your skin   The reason why men do not have an issue with cellulite is because the connective tissue for them runs in a cris cross and diagonal pattern while for women our connective tissue runs horizontally.

While it is true cellulite is hard to get rid of; it can be dealt with but not with creams or wraps. These fancy ways to get the job done do not get rid of cellulite but just tighten the skin to reduce the appearance of cellulite. These methods do not last and rather than spend your hard earned dollars on methods that do not treat the issue properly; it's best that you handle the issue yourself.

Understanding what cellulite is is half the problem solved because once you know what it is now you can better deal with it. Cellulite is fat and to deal with fat you need to modify your eating habits so that you do not continue to accumulate fat in these areas or any where else. Next is to engage in some sort of exercise activity that elevates your heart rate for at least 15- 20 minutes three times per week. The trick in combating cellulite is to minimize your over all body fat. It is hard as loosing weight isn't easy especially when it comes to cellulite because this is an over accumulation and this takes longer to get rid of.

Contrary to popular belief you can't spot check or concentrate on specific exercises to help alleviate your cellulite without implementing an exercise program that elevates your heart rate. You need to burn off energy and your body uses the energy you give it from eating food. When that energy is spent; it looks for another source your fat stores. Your body will go for the easiest spots first and so you will notice that you have lost weight but still have an issue with cellulite. To help your body use the cellulite as energy it is important that you exercise your body to gain muscle. Muscle burns fat and gives your body a toned appearance.  

So find an exercise program and stick with it. I like to switch my exercise routine up every couple of months just to avoid a plateau. Remember consistency works well with commitment and these two things combined will help you combat cellulite with patience and persistence!